Skeletal Injuries

Fractured sternum

The sternum is also known as the breast bone which is located in front of the chest and connected to the 12 ribs on either side and forms the thoracic griddle. The thoracic griddle functions in protecting the internal organs such as the heart and lungs from injuries. The sternum also helps protect the thymus

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Cardiogenic shock

Broken knuckle

Knuckles or metacarpals are bones found between the proximal phalangal bones of the finger and carpals bones found at the palm of the hands. The 4th and the 5th metacarpal bones are susceptible to damage due to indirect force. A broken knuckle is also called boxer’s fracture which affects the neck of the metacarpal bone

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Hammertoe is a painful deformity of the toes where it bends unusually and becomes claw-like in appearance. This deformity is due to the tendons of the toes that contracts abnormally and forces the toe to bend downward while the middle joint of the toe protrudes upward. Any toe can be affected by this condition but

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Broken collarbone

The clavicle or the collarbone is the bone found in both sides of the chest. These bones and the ligaments function in connecting the sternum or breastbone to both shoulders. A broken collarbone is a common injury among children and adults. It can be caused by injuries from sports, fall on a shoulder and vehicular

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