How to treat a burning mouth syndrome

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Burning mouth syndrome is a chronic or recurrent burning in the mouth without a cause and it affects the tongue, gums, and lips, inside part of the cheeks, roof of the mouth or all the areas of the mouth. It is a feeling as if the mouth is scalded.


Burning mouth syndrome
The burning mouth syndrome has several patterns in which it can happen every day, with some discomfort upon waking up and becomes worse.
  • There is a sensation of dry mouth with increased thirst.
  • A burning sensation affecting the tongue and also the lips, gums, throat, palate, or the whole mouth.
  • Changes in taste like bitter or metallic taste
  • There is loss of taste

The burning mouth syndrome has several patterns in which it can happen every day, with some discomfort upon waking up and becomes worse. In some cases, it can start upon waking up and will last the whole day.

Whatever pattern the person has, burning mouth syndrome may last for months to years. It does not cause any changes in the physical appearance of the tongue or mouth. It is best to enroll in a first aid course today so that you will learn how to properly manage this condition.

Causes of burning mouth syndrome may be classified as primary or secondary cause.

  • Primary – there is no clinical or laboratory abnormalities that can be identified. The condition is called idiopathic burning mouth syndrome which involves the both the sensory and taste nerves of the central or peripheral nervous system.
  • Secondary – can be caused by some medical conditions like xerostomia which is also known as dry mouth, oral thrush which is a fungal infection of the mouth, nutritional deficiency, ill-fitting dentures, allergies and reactions to foods, fragrances and dental work substances. Other conditions like GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), high blood pressure medications and some psychological factors like stress, depression and anxiety.

Treatment and home remedies

  • Avoid foods and beverages that are acidic in nature such as tomatoes, soft drinks, orange juice and coffee.
  • Avoid eating foods which contains cinnamon or mint
  • Drinking more fluids to help minimize the feeling of dryness in the mouth and avoid drinking carbonated drinks.
  • Avoid smoking or using tobacco products
  • Avoid eating spicy-hot foods
  • Avoid alcohol and food or beverages with alcohol since they may irritate the lining of the mouth
  • Avoid stress if possible


A person can prevent acquiring burning mouth syndrome by avoiding the use of tobacco, acidic foods, carbonated drinks and some spicy foods.  Additionally, the person should also avoid being stressed out.

Some foods that are good for people suffering from burning mouth syndrome

  • Cold foods like ice cream or chamomile tea
  • Non-acidic foods such as water and fresh milk
  • Eating foods rich in Vitamin B such as beans and whole grains

The foods that are good for a burning mouth syndrome depend on the cause of the condition. If the condition was caused by allergies to certain foods or food additives, the individual should eat fresh foods and avoiding eating processed foods.

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