How to treat a scraped nose of a toddler

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A scraped nose is usually shallow and do not extend further into the skin, but some layers of the skin are removed. There is not much bleeding from a scraped nose but it will ooze a pinkish fluid. Scrapes are caused by accidents or falls and can occur when skin is rubbed against a hard surface.

Most children end up with scrapes once in a while and are usually minor and can be easily treated. These wounds can bleed and sting. Young children are prone to a scraped nose from a short fall or a minor accident. Proper treatment for a scraped nose of toddlers lessens the risk of infection and prevents scarring.


  • Use a clean cloth and apply gentle pressure on the scraped nose to stop any bleeding. If blood soaks through the cloth, place another clean cloth over it and continue applying pressure. If there is severe bleeding and tissue damage or indication of a broken nose, seek medical help immediately.
    Scraped nose
    Scrapes are caused by accidents or falls and can occur when skin is rubbed against a hard surface.
  • Wash the affected area using warm water and mild soap. If there are debris and dirt in the wound, remove it using tweezers or flush with water. Avoid leaving debris, dirt or splinters inside a wound to prevent the risk of infection. Avoid using iodine, alcohol and peroxide in cleaning the wound to prevent damage on the skin tissues.
  • Apply the prescribed topical antibiotic on the affected area to prevent infection and cover using a bandage or non-stick sterile guaze.
  • Keep the wound covered all the time to prevent the toddler from picking on his/her nose to remove the scab. Scabs protect the wound and promote fast healing of the area. The scab usually falls off within 1-2 weeks.
  • Change the bandage when it becomes soiled, bloody or damp. If the bandage has foul-smelling discharge which is a sign of infection, seek medical help immediately.


  • Avoid exposing the affected area under the sun during healing process to prevent scarring of the skin. Protect the skin of the child with clothing and a sunscreen.
  • Maintain proper skin care such as using moisturizers and avoiding harsh soaps or cleansers.
  • Monitor children when playing on the playground all the time.
  • Keep knives, nails, scissors and tools in drawers with locks or cabinets that are out of reach.
  • Children should dress up in sturdy shoes and pants when performing activities.
  • The child should wear a protective helmet when riding a bicycle
  • Install safety gates at the top and bottom of the stairs to prevent falls


The material posted on this page on a scraped nose is for learning purposes only. If you want to learn to provide proper wound care for a scraped nose, register for a first aid course with a training provider near you.

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