How to treat otomycosis

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Otomycosis is also called ear fungus which is a type of fungal infection of the ear. It affects the external area of the ear due to a variety of fungal species such as Aspergillus or candida actinomyces and phycomycetes. People with weak immune system or suffering from diabetes are more susceptible to this condition.

Causes of otomycosis

  • Prolonged usage of topical antibacterial agents
  • Contaminated water


  • Redness of the external ear canal
  • Pain
  • Itchiness of the affected area
  • Thick, black and white or yellow discharge coming out of the affected ear or otorrhea.
  • Swelling problems with hearing
  • Plugging of the ear
  • External ear canal becomes narrow
  • Sensation of fullness or blockage in the ear


Otomycosis is also called ear fungus which is a type of fungal infection of the ear.
  • Clean properly the affected ear to eliminate the fungus. Another alternative is suction can also be used to clean the affected ear. Clean the ears at least many times every week.
  • Use the prescribed eardrops with antifungal agents such as econazole, ketoconazole and clotrimazole is good for the condition. Another alternative is using eardrops that contain gential violet or thimerosal.
  • Apply hydrogen peroxide to soften crusted or debris that becomes hard present in the ears. It allows anti-fungal and acidifying topical medications to reach affected areas of the ears. Avoid flushing the ears to prevent fungal infections and worsen the condition.
  • Use aluminum acetate or Burow’s solution to lessen the swelling and eliminate debris in the affected area. Burow’s solution is a solution of aluminum acetate used to treat otitis or ear infection and otomycosis which fungal ear infection.
  • Use the prescribed over-the-counter antifungal medication such as clotrimazole to treat skin infections. It eliminates both the candida and aspergillus fungus.
  • Use a hair dryer to keep ear dry. Turn on the hair dryer on the lowest setting and place it at least 10 inches away from the infected ear. It will dry out the moisture inside the ear canal and prevents the growth of fungus. Be careful not to burn the ears to prevent making the condition worse.
  • Mix equal amounts of alcohol and vinegar to lessen the symptoms of otomycosis. Alcohol dries and disinfects the skin and dries out moisture inside the infected ear. Vinegar stops the growth of fungus inside the ear.
  • Apply warm compress on the affected ear. Soak a clean towel in warm water, wring out excess water and place it over the infected ear and let it remain in the area until it becomes cool. Warm compress lessens the pain, for proper flow of blood in the area and for fast healing of the condition.
  • Increase the consumption of vitamin C rich foods which is needed for the repair and proper growth of damaged tissues caused by otomycosis. Take at least 500-1,000 mg of vitamin C every day together with food.
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