How to treat sore throat

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A sore throat can be very painful and annoying. Most cases of sore throats are caused by minor illnesses. Sore throats are also known as pharyngitis and are caused by virus and bacteria, substances like alcohol, tobacco and some pollutants. A mild sore throat is slightly painful when swallowing and an appearance of red and irritated throat. A person suffering from sore throat has a low grade fever.

Some conditions that can cause sore throat

Viral illness

  • Common cold – the most common type of viral infection
  • Laryngitis – the infection of the voice box
  • Mumps and influenza
  • Mononucleosis – known as “the kissing disease” which is an infection that causes persistent sore throat

Bacterial infections

Sore throat
Seek medical help if the person developed difficulty in breathing and there is pain, the person has inability drinking fluids, a rash and fever develops.
  • Tonsillitis – an inflammation or infection of the tonsils and sometimes adenoiditis is the inflammation of the adenoids
  • Strep throat – does not happen with congestion or a cough
  • Peritonsillar abscess – the infection of tissues around the tonsils
  • Uvulitis – inflammation of the uvula
  • Epiglottitis – inflammation of the epiglottis
  • In some rare cases gonorrhoea or chlamydia if engaged in a high-risk sexual behavior.

Cases of sore throats that last more than a week are caused by irritants and injuries such as the following:

  • Irritations from low humidity, air pollution, smoking, yelling or post nasal drip
  • People who have allergies and breathing through the mouth or a stuffy nose.
  • An injury at the back of the throat like a cut or a puncture
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome – it is a condition that causes extreme tiredness.

Treatment of sore throat

The following first aid measures can help relieve the discomfort caused by sore throat. By enrolling in a first aid course today, you will learn how to effectively manage this condition.

  1. Gargle with warm water to reduce the swelling and relieving discomfort at least once every hour with 1 tsp. of salt dissolved in 8 oz. of warm water. Gargle often if the person is having post nasal drip to prevent irritations.
  2. Prevent dehydration by drinking hot fluids like tea or soup and it also helps minimize throat irritation.
  3. Put a vaporizer or humidifier in the bedroom to make the person feel more comfortable. It also relieves hoarseness and do not make the room become very damp and uncomfortably cold.
  4. If a humidifier is not available, use a shallow pan of water to provide moisture by evaporation. Place the pan in a safe place to prevent accidents to other people.
  5. Avoid smoking or using tobacco products and avoiding any source of second hand smoke.
  6. Seek medical help if the person developed difficulty in breathing and there is pain, the person has inability drinking fluids, a rash and fever develops. The symptoms that last more than 2 weeks or becoming more severe would also require medical attention.


  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration
  • Washing of hands often, especially in contact with people who are sick.
  • Avoiding irritants like smoke, fumes or yelling that causes a sore throat.
  • Avoiding smoking or using tobacco products and avoiding exposure to second hand smoke.
  • Minimize sharing of eating or drinking utensils to prevent spreading of the virus to other people.


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