
Knuckle pain

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Some individuals have experienced knuckle pain at some point. The fingers and the knuckles are composed of bones, ligaments and tendons. The tendons facilitate the fingers to move and bend while the ligaments keeps the fingers in a permanent position. There are conditions that causes the bones, ligaments and the knuckles to become dislocated or weaken and often related to pain in the joint of the knuckles and stiffness which is due to limited range of movement.

Causes of knuckle pain

  • Osteoarthritis can cause pain and stiffness in the knuckles.
  • Trauma or minor injury that is caused by a hairline fracture in the finger bones.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis which is the inflammation of the tissue of the joint can.
  • Very cold weather can result to reduced circulation of blood in the extremities.
  • Cracking of the knuckles can damage the bony cartilages
  • Overuse of the fingers such as typing on the keyboard
  • Gout and psoriatic arthritis or complication of psoriasis


Knuckle pain
Apply warm or cold compresses on the knuckle at least 30 minutes to lessen the swelling. Apply an ice pack or bag of ice to lessen the inflammation, swelling and pain inside the hand.
  • Soak the affected area in warm salt water for at least 15 -20 minutes to lessen the pain, aches and stiffness of the knuckles and fingers. Salt absorbs pain in the body.
  • Avoid constantly cracking the joint of the fingers to minimize the risk of damage to the bony cartilage.
  • Apply aloe vera on the finger since it alleviates knuckle pain and stiffness of the finger
  • Avoid eating eggs, red meat and processed foods since they can worsen the pain especially among those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
  • Massage the affected area to lessen the pain in the knuckles and stiffness of the finger
  • Take antioxidants in the form of fruits and carrots which reduces the pain in the knuckles and fingers. Antioxidants protects the body from free radicals that can damage the cells of the tissue.
  • Apply warm or cold compresses on the knuckle at least 30 minutes to lessen the swelling. Apply an ice pack or bag of ice to lessen the inflammation, swelling and pain inside the hand. If ice is not available, a bag of frozen vegetable can be used instead. Wrap the ice pack in a towel before applying on the affected area. Remember to avoid applying the ice pack directly on the skin to prevent frostbite or making the condition worse.
  • Mix cinnamon and few drops of honey and then mix well to become a paste. Apply the mixture on the affected area to lessen the pain and inflammation.
  • Massage the joints using olive oil since it provides relief to the condition. Olive oil has natural anti-inflammatory properties.


  • Avoid eating foods that can trigger inflammation such as refined sugars, red meat and breads.
  • Avoid cracking the fingers and knuckles.
  • Give the hands enough time to rest regularly
  • Use a neutral position in typing to reduce strain on the hands.
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