Management of stasis dermatitis

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Dermatitis is an irritation of the skin along with scaling, dry skin, redness, itchiness and oftentimes, there is oozing, crust formation and erosions. Statis involves leg swelling with poor circulation and buildup of fluid.

Stasis dermatitis is the irritation of the skin and breakdown caused by accumulation of fluid under the skin. It is also caused by venous insufficiency, heart failure as well as other health issues that can cause swelling in the legs, but it can also happen in other areas of the body. It is an eczematous skin lesion which develops in the leg caused by pooling of blood. Venous insufficiency is caused by varicose veins and hypertension. When the valves of veins are weak, it will cause congestion and stasis of blood, capillary pressure and cause swelling in the legs and ankle with dark pigmentation. An eczematous rash has itching, dryness and skin picking using the fingers around the affected area. If this condition is left untreated, it will cause ulcers and deep rooted infection of the lower limb.

Stasis dermatitis causes

Statis dermatitis
Change in the color of the affected leg, color of the skin becomes red and dark brown around the ankles and the lower leg.

The condition happens after the age forty and women are more susceptible to this condition than men. Some risk factors that increase the probability of stasis dermatitis include the following:

  • Poor circulation of blood in the leg caused by clot formation
  • Varicose veins
  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Pregnancy
  • Traumatic injury and fractures
  • An enlarged heart and persistent kidney disease
  • An inactive lifestyle
  • Working environment where the person has to stand for long periods of time
  • Persistent smoker

Symptoms of stasis dermatitis

  • The affected leg is swollen.
  • Change in the color of the affected leg, color of the skin becomes red and dark brown around the ankles and the lower leg.
  • The skin of the affected area becomes dry and there is itchiness.
  • The skin becomes thick and a lesion may open along with sticky or watery fluid that starts to ooze out from the lesion.
  • A crust may form over the affected area.
  • An ulceration which is a secondary infection of the skin has the tendency to penetrate the bone.
  • An ulcer if left untreated will not heal and becomes enlarged.
  • An ulcer that will heal can leave behind a permanent scarring.

Treatment and home remedies of stasis dermatitis

  • Wear compression stockings in order to put pressure on the veins and push the blood upwards and minimize accumulation of fluid. Wear compression stockings throughout the day
  • Apply wet dressing with aloe juice.
  • Keep the leg elevated above the level of the heart whenever he/she is sitting or sleeping.
  • Avoid standing for long periods of time
  • When there is ulceration, using homeopathic solution of calendula helps promote the healing process. Apply the gauze that is immersed in the solution for 1-2 hours. This should be done at least 2-3 times a day.
  • If the individual is overweight, he/she should try to cut down his/her weight.
  • Try walking for 30-40 minutes every day in order to increase the blood circulation in the leg.
  • Avoid smoking.
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