Preventing Medical Emergencies and Injuries

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Preventing Medical Emergencies
Prevent medical emergencies such as severe choking by enrolling in first aid and CPR training programs.

Why wait for medical emergencies to happen, when you could prevent it? Read on and learn more about ways to prevent these unwanted events.

Every year, emergency departments across the U.S. provide care to around 120 million people. This means there are 222 emergency room visits every minute.

Emergency physicians, nurses and other health personnel treat a wide range of emergency situations, and medical emergencies account for a huge percentage of this number. For adults, chest pain and abdominal pain associated with different medical conditions are the most common reasons for ER visits; while for children, fever, cough and vomiting. Injury-related ER visits also account for a great number of

Although emergency departments provide lifesaving care 24/7, regardless of the patient’s capacity to pay, prevention remains top priority. Prevention is critical in reducing the number of ER visits. Aside from minimizing the risk of disabilities and preventing deaths, it helps reduce burden in the healthcare system.

Here are some important things to consider in preventing medical emergencies:

  • Getting yearly physical and diagnostic exams. Having a regular exercise and following a healthy diet.
  • Identifying risk for any life-threatening medical conditions. Follow your physician’s advice on how to manage or reduce these risks, such as quitting smoking or alcohol consumption.
  • Be sure to keep medicines out of children’s reach and stored in child-proof containers.
  • Lock all poisonous materials.
  • Installing safety devices in the home.
  • Drive safely. Make sure to always strap on seatbelts and children are on child-safety seats.
  • Never drive a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Read prescription label to see if taking certain medications will impair your ability to drive or operate heavy equipment.

Be ready for Medical Emergencies

While you can prevent emergencies, some do happen despite preventive actions taken. It is important to know what to do during an emergency. The key to responding in emergencies is to remain calm and decide to act. Here are some things you can do to help prepare for possible emergencies.

  • Keep a list of emergency phone numbers near the phone. Include the local numbers for: nearest emergency department, fire, police, ambulance service, and family doctor.
  • Keep a well-stocked first-aid kit at home and in your vehicle. Regularly check your first aid kit for possible expired supplies.
  • If you have certain medical conditions, always wear medical identification device. Keep a list of your medications in your wallet. Also, list if you have allergies.
  • Have emergency contacts of family members in your wallet, usually behind the identification card.

Last and most importantly, take a first-aid class. This will provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to handle various medical emergencies.

By having the right knowledge you can stay calm and make the right decisions in high stress situations, such as emergencies.

Aside from your local workplace approved chapter, you can also take first aid classes from accredited training providers. There are many accredited training providers that offer this course.

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