
Tendinitis of the wrist

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Tendinitis of the wrist is also called tenosynovitis which is a common condition which causes irritation and inflammation of the tendons around the joints of the wrist. There are many tendons that surround the joints of the wrist and the condition usually affects one or more tendons. Sometimes, tendinitis of the wrist happens when the tendons cross each other or passing over a bony prominence. The tendons slide on the smooth sheaths when passing the joint of the wrist.

If an individual has tendinitis of the wrist, the tendon sheath or tenosynovium becomes thickened and tightens the gliding movement of the tendons. Obviously, the movements of the tendons become difficulty and painful due to the inflammation.

Common symptoms of tendinitis of the wrist include pain can be felt over the area and inflammation and swelling of the surrounding soft tissues.


  • Take plenty of rest especially the affected wrist.
    Tendinitis of the wrist
    Wear a wrist splint or a cast to help the affected wrist rest. By resting the tendon, it helps lessen the inflammation.
  • Wear a wrist splint or a cast to help the affected wrist rest. By resting the tendon, it helps lessen the inflammation.
  • Use a cold compress or ice pack that is wrapped with a clean piece of cloth and apply it to the affected area at least 15-20 minutes to help lessen the pain and inflammation by numbing the affected area. If ice is not available, frozen foods or fruits can also be used as a compress several times every day for the best result. Applying cold on the wrist helps in cooling the inflammation and also in stimulating the flow of blood to the affected area.
  • Elevate the affected wrist above the level of the heart to help lessen the inflammation.
  • Take the prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help minimize of pain, inflammation and swelling of the tissues.
  • Mix Epsom salt and warm water well until fully dissolved and then soak the affected wrist for at least one hour for 2-3 times every week. An alternative is to mix Epsom salt with warm water and soak a face cloth in the solution to be used as a compress on the affected wrist for at least 15-20 minutes to help lessen the pain and discomfort caused by tendinitis of the wrist. Moisturize the skin after applying this treatment to prevent dryness of the skin.
  • Using apple cider vinegar can help with the condition. In a glass filled with warm water, mix it with honey and apple cider vinegar. Stir and drink the solution at least 2-3 times every day for the best result.
  • Perform regular stretching exercises to help maintain the flexibility and strength of the muscles of the wrist.


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