Treating a propane burn

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Propane is a highly flammable, odorless and colorless gas. Odorants are just added to propane gas in order to avoid unnoticed leaks and spills. Propane gas is commonly used to heat homes, water and for cooking foods. Propane is safe for everyday use, but if it is not handled properly is can cause some harmful effects.

When handling a pressurized propane gas and it gets in contact with the eye of the individual, it can cause momentary freezing and leads to swelling and damage to the eye.

Contact of pressurized propane gas to a person’s skin can cause cryogenic burns or frostbite which will cause damage to skin and tissues caused by extreme cold and other injuries and this happens due to poor or unsafe handling such as spilling on the skin accidentally.

Using propane gas in a confined places can lead to overexposure and there is danger of inhaling high concentrations of gas and can cause serious problems such as unconsciousness, seizures, incapacitation and cardiac arrest. In some cases inhalation of propane gas, it can cause death by asphyxiation or suffocation because there is lack of oxygen. It is best that you prepared to handle an exposure to this gas by enrolling in a first aid course today.

Propane gas can also be used for drying clothes, water heaters, patio heaters, fireplaces, furnaces and for gas grills

Treatment and home remedies

Propane burn
In some cases inhalation of propane gas, it can cause death by asphyxiation or suffocation because there is lack of oxygen.
  • Cover or drape the affected area with a clean cloth or other types of dressing.
  • Fill a basin or tub with water that has neutral temperature that is neither hot nor cold and then immerse the affected area in order to relieve of the pain.
  • If eyes were in contact with propane gas, flush the eye with warm water, while holding the eyelids apart at least 15 minutes. Wear protective goggles when handling propane gas in order to prevent the possibility of eye contact with propane gas.
  • Avoid rubbing frostbitten or burned skin caused by propane gas. You have to immerse the affected area in lukewarm water until a sensation can be felt on the affected area.
  • The skin must be clean and dry and if any blister will form, you have to sterilize the affected area and cover it with bandages.
  • Wear thermal insulating gloves and a shield in order to avoid a contact of propane gas to the skin.
  • Seek medical help if the person is overexposed to propane gas. The person should be moved into a place where there is fresh air and away from the source of the exposure.
  • In order to avoid a possible overexposure to propane gas, the person should wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in areas where the supply of oxygen is insufficient.
  • Allow the injured person to slowly work or exercise the affected area, and give him/ her warm, non-alcoholic drinks and stay away from cold or heat, such as snow, hot or cold water and heating lamps.
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