Treating dry macular degeneration

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Dry macular degeneration is a lingering disease of the eyes causing loss of vision in the field of vision. It is a deterioration of the macula which is the middle of the retina which is the sheet of tissue on the rear wall of the eyeball.

Dry macular degeneration is one of the forms of age-related degeneration while the other is wet macular degeneration in which a blood vessel grows beneath the retina found at the rear part of the eye is leaking blood and fluids.

Dry macular degeneration can cause a blurred central vision or a blind spot in the central vision. Central vision is used for reading, driving and recognizing faces of people.


dry macular degeneration
Symptoms of dry macular degeneration occurs gradually, and the person affected by these symptoms notices some vision changes adapting to a low level of lights such as when entering a dimly lighted pathway or a restaurant.

Symptoms of dry macular degeneration occurs gradually, and the person affected by these symptoms notices some vision changes adapting to a low level of lights such as when entering a dimly lighted pathway or a restaurant.

There is a need for a brighter light when reading or doing close work and an increased blurriness of printed words.

There is a decrease in the intensity or brightness of colors, curved central vision and an increasing haziness of the central vision. Dry macular degeneration can affect two eyes. If a single eye is affected, there are no changes in the vision because the other eye that is not affected compensate for the weak eye. You can enroll in a first aid class today if you want to learn how to handle this condition.


The cause of dry macular degeneration is not known, but if the person has this condition, it will develop as the eyes ages. Dry macular degeneration involves the macula which is situated at the middle of the retina and in control for proper vision in the direct line of the person’s sight. As the person ages the tissues in the macula thins out and may break down.

Treatment and home remedies

  • The antioxidants vitamins in fruits and vegetables are essential to the health of the eye. Eat colorful fruits and vegetables like kale, broccoli, spinach, peas and other vegetables which contain high levels of antioxidants and also lutein and zeaxanthin are very helpful in people with macular degeneration.
  • Fats found in olive oil helps protect the vision of the individual. Consume these beneficial fats instead of the saturated fats like butter, trans fats and some partly hydrogenated oils in packed foods.
  • Eating whole wheat bread, salmon, tuna and sardines that contain omega-3 fatty acids can help minimize the risk of losing vision. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be found in walnuts.


  • Have a routine eye check-up and manage other health conditions like taking the medications and following doctor’s advice in controlling his/her condition.
  • Stop smoking and maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly.
  • Have a healthy diet with a variety of fruits, vegetables and leafy greens. These contain antioxidants that reduce the risk of acquiring a macular degeneration.
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