Treatment for anal itching

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Anal itching or pruritus ani causes a persistent urge to scratch the bottom. It can happen at any age but usually common between ages 30 and 50. Generally, anal itching can be caused by skin related disorders that includes psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, excessive pressure in the anal area, excessive sweating and moisture around the anus, improper wiping of the area after a bowel movement and exposure to chemical-based perfumed.

Causes of anal itching

  • Foods that cause irritation in the anus during bowel movement includes chocolate, caffeine, nuts, beer, dairy products spicy foods
  • Infections from pinworms or yeast
  • Genital warts
  • Hemorrhoids can cause swollen blood vessels in the anal region


  • At first, itchiness after a bowel movement at night.
  • Development of rashes in the anal with breaks in the skin or a weeping discharge
  • Strong urge to scratch the affected area
  • Dryness, redness, burning and soreness
  • Lastly, swelling ulcers and development of rashes around the anal area


Itchiness after a bowel movement at night.
  • Use over-the-counter measures such as creams with hydrocortisone 1 % or zinc oxide to reduce the itchiness of the area. apply hydrocortisone cream for at least two weeks to prevent damage on the skin
  • Take the prescribed anti-parasitic medication to stop pinworms and bacterial infections.
  • Increase consumption of fiber to prevent anal constipation. Generally, fiber is good for healthy digestion and softens and increase bulk of stool. Foods rich in fibers such as potatoes, beans, brown rice, prunes, fresh fruits, peas and broccoli. Another alternative is taking the prescribed fiber supplements
  • Use apple cider vinegar to lessen anal itching due to yeast and fungal infection.
  • Oatmeal is rich in anti-irritating and anti-inflammatory properties that lessen the inflammation and the itchiness of the affected area.


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