Cardiogenic shock

What is black mold poisoning?

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Mold can thrive indoors or outdoors usually in dank, warm and steamy environments. Mold can also be found in any environment at any time of the year. Household mold that are found indoors include Cladosporium, Penicillium, Aspergillus and Stachybotrys atra which is also known as the “black mold”.

These molds grow in surfaces with high cellulose content such as wood, fiberboard, paper, gypsum board, dust and lint. There are molds that grow in foods and carpeting. Indoor molds are usually found in basements or shower stalls. These molds particularly the black mold can cause health problems and damage surfaces and objects where they grow.

High concentrations of fungal colonies such as in flooring that were damaged by water and building materials can cause symptoms similar to allergies or the flu or even dangerous asthma attacks.

Symptoms of black mold poisoning

  • Coughing, sneezing and runny nose
    Black mold
    When inhaling the toxic spores of the black mold, congestion, increased mucus production and shortness of breath can be experienced.
  • Watery eyes
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Wheezing
  • Black mold poisoning can result to a mild, moderate or severe illness and sometimes death if not properly treated.
  • When inhaling the toxic spores of the black mold, congestion, increased mucus production and shortness of breath can be experienced.
  • Nausea and vomiting that becomes worse
  • Development of rashes in the skin that cause itchiness
  • Muscle pain and fatigue


  • Take over-the-counter antihistamines such as diphenhydramine or cetirizine to lessen the symptoms of black mold poisoning.
  • Clean hard surfaces using bleach solution. Remove all infested upholstery, carpeting, wallpaper and other ideal mold habitats.
  • Take the prescribed oral corticosteroid to treat chronic symptoms of black mold poisoning.
  • Take a cool bath mixed with a cup baking soda or colloidal oat meal and soak in the cool bath to lessen the itchiness and pain from rashes
  • Artichoke leaf extract eliminates the effects of fungi, yeast and mold in the body. The artichoke leaf extract can be taken in a 320mg capsule. Take this capsule at least 2 times every day.
  • Increase the consumption of Vitamin D rich foods such as cheese, mackerel, tuna, salmon, egg yolk and liver
  • Maintain a low-sugar diet to minimize fungal and mold infections.
  • If suffering from diabetes, maintain the normal blood sugar level to minimize infection caused by black mold exposure.


  • Leaks in plumbing and other structures that result to accumulation of moisture should be repaired.
  • Use an air conditioner or air humidifier to minimize the accumulation of moisture.
  • Avoid using carpets in humid environments such as in basements and bathrooms.
  • Use bathroom fans and open windows when showering or taking a bath.
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