Bed bug bites

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Bed bug bites are due to small, flat insects in oval shape that are reddish-brown in color and can range from the size of 1 to 7 millimeters. Bed bugs can sneak their way into your bed, furniture, and even your carpet. These insects feed on blood from humans or animals and are mostly active at night where they feed on their victims while they sleep. By the next morning, there is a mysterious bite that is red and itchy.

What does a bite look like?

Bed bug bites
A bite or multiple bites that left a red, swollen area with a dark red center.

Some people will not have a reaction to bed bug bites at all. But to those people who experience a reaction to bed bug bites will have one or more symptoms like these:

  • A bite or multiple bites that left a red, swollen area with a dark red center
  • Multiple bites that line or group together in a small area
  • Presence of blisters or hives at the site of the bite(s)

Bed bug bites can happen anywhere in the body but are more commonly found in exposed areas of the skin while you sleep, such as the face, arms, hands, and legs.

Signs and symptoms of bed bug bites

Note that these bites will not always arise right after you’ve been bitten, sometimes they can take multiple days to begin triggering any symptoms. Bed bugs don’t come out every night to feed and go through several days without eating.

  • The sudden appearance of red, swollen areas on your skin
  • Itchiness
  • A burning sensation

It is important not to scratch the bites as you may damage the skin and cause an infection which will lead the bite to swell and bleed.


Bed bug bites pose no threat to most people and are just a nuisance. These bites have symptoms that typically disappear within a week or two. The itching caused by the bite can be eased by using an anti-itching cream to keep yourself from scratching the bite. An antihistamine can also help reduce the itching. Ice packs can be used to numb the skin which can help you reduce your urge to scratch. If there is an infection on the bite, you can apply an antiseptic cream or lotion.

If you do find bed bugs in your home, you should call your landlord or a pest control company to get your house cleaned from bed bugs. It is difficult to remove bed bugs and you may prolong infestation if you don’t get professional help. Bed bugs in your home can hide for several months without feeding, so therefore the help of a professional can help you surely get rid of the bed bugs completely.


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