mucus in the eye

Close look on mucus in the eye

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Mucus in the eye is a composed of skin cells, oil, mucus and other debris that builds up at the corners of the eyes when sleeping. Generally, it can be sticky or wet and sometimes crusty and dry.

Mucus forms during sleeping, because the eyes are kept close and mucus accumulates. In daytime, the eyes are frequently blinked and the eyes are washed and there is no accumulation of mucus. A small amount of discharge from the eye after waking up in morning is normal but excessive mucus discharge and colored green or yellow is a serious condition.

Causes of mucus in the eye

mucus in the eye
Wash hands properly before touching the affected area to prevent the risk of developing further irritations.
  • Allergic conjunctivitis– dry and small particles of mucus
  • Styes causes watery mucus and formation of lump in the eyelid
  • Eye infection – mucus looks green or gray
  • Dacryocystitis – mucus is white and stringy due to inflammation of the tear sac
  • Viral conjunctivitis – mucus is crusty and thick
  • Dry eye syndrome – mucus is white or yellow and shaped like a ball
  • Wearing old and dirty contact lenses
  • Blepharitis – mucus is yellow


  • At first, pain
  • Itchiness
  • Problems with vision
  • Dryness
  • Fever
  • Burning sensations
  • Sensitivity to light
  • In addition, nasal congestion
  • Redness
  • Cough
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Problems with the cornea
  • Blurred vision, loss of vision
  • Lastly, dry eyes


  • Wash hands properly before touching the affected area to prevent the risk of developing further irritations.
  • Soak a clean paper towel in lukewarm water and then wipe the mucus from both affected eyes. Use clean paper when wiping the area to avoid dirt into the eyes and worsen the condition.
  • Apply warm compress on the eyes to soften the mucus, to lessen the inflammation and the pain. Soak a clean washcloth in warm water, and then place the cloth to the affected eye and let it remain in the area for at least 3-5 minutes. After the compress wipe gently the eyes using clean paper towel.
  • Clean contact lenses properly and throw away old contacts.
  • Throw away contaminated old eye makeup and avoid sharing them with other people.
  • Open a fresh aloe Vera leaf. Dip a cotton ball on the gel and apply it directly on closed eyes. Aloe Vera is rich with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Wash eyelids using baby shampoo or mild detergent. Massage the lids in downward direction to drain out the oils. Massage the upper lids and use a clean tissue in removing excess oil in the area.
  • Use the prescribed eyelid scrubs to remove mucus from the eyelids and relieved of the itchiness and flaking of the eyelids at least 2-3 times every day.
  • Avoid sharing towels and washcloths with other people to prevent spreading of infection.


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