
How to treat a nose cut

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A nose cut can be complicated to treat and painful. The nose is a sensitive area of the body. It has areas that are enclosed and have limited supply of air. The nose and lining of the nose are susceptible to cuts and scratches.

Causes of a nose cut

  • Careless nose picking such as frequent picking can cause irritation on the lining of the nose and result to slits or cuts and even bleeding.
  • Picking of the nose using sharp objects or nails
  • Inner nose cut due to dry weather that causes the nasal lining to dry up and result to cracks and cuts that causes pain.
  • Dry nasal lining due to flu that results to plenty of sneezing, congestion and runny nose.


Careless nose picking such as frequent picking can cause irritation on the lining of the nose and result to slits or cuts and even bleeding.
  • Make sure the hands are washed properly to prevent introduction of any bacteria into the open wound. Wash hands using clean, running water and scrub the area for at least 20 seconds. Rinse and dry the hands using a clean towel.
  • If the cut is bleeding and near the edge of the nose, use a clean cloth to apply gentle pressure until the bleeding stops. Avoid blocking the breathing and do not pack the nostrils.
  • If the nose cut is not visible and bleeding, sit up straight and lean forward to lessen the pressure placed on the vessel found in the nose and prevents swallowing blood. Pinch the nose close using the thumb and index finger for at least 10 minutes. Breathe through the mouth. After 10 minutes, release the pinch. If it still bleeds, repeat the process until the bleeding stops. Keep the affected person cool using a damp cloth or suck on ice chips.
  • Remove any debris inside the nose using sterilized tweezers to lessen the risk for infections and possible complications.
  • Rinse the wound using saline solution to deeply clean the wound. In a cup filled with lukewarm water, mix a teaspoon of salt and stir it until it is fully dissolved. Tilt the head backward and pour a tablespoon of the solution into the affected nostril several times. Squeeze the solution into a paper towel. Avoid blowing the ears.
  • Use an anti-infective soap cleanser to clean the mucus membranes or inside of the nose. Dilute chlorhexidine before using on the nose.
  • Place the prescribed anti-infective cream or ointment on the area around the nose cut. Use a cotton swab or a piece of gauze in applying the cream or ointment on the area. Avoid touching the affected area once the ointment is already applied and avoid picking on the scab to prevent further damage and worsen the condition. Repeat the application of the ointment every day.

Disclaimer / More Information

The material posted on this page on a nose cut is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage nose wounds by taking a first aid and CPR class with one of our training providers.

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