How to treat a swollen lip from an insect bite

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Some individuals might end up with a swollen lip after being stung or bit by an insect especially during the warm spring and summer seasons. When a person is bitten by an insect, it triggers irritation of the skin and an allergic reaction which varies from person to person. This condition can be minor or can become a symptom of a serious condition called anaphylaxis.

A swollen lip can have cuts along with bleeding which makes it difficult for the individual to drink, eat and talk.

Other symptoms that can occur along with swollen lips

  • Pain
  • Difficulty while eating, drinking, talking and opening the mouth
  • Chapped skin
  • Discoloration of the lip
  • Blisters
  • Headache
  • Fatigue and tiredness


swollen lip
Apply a cold compress on the swollen lip to relieve and lessen the swelling.
  • Wash the lip with water. Avoid using soap and other cleaning agents to prevent a toxic reaction.
  • Apply a cold compress on the swollen lip to relieve and lessen the swelling. Wrap ice cubes with a clean wash cloth or paper towel and gently apply on the area for at least 10-15 minutes. Take a break for 15 minutes before reapplying the cold compress again until the swelling starts to lessen. Avoid place ice directly on the lips to prevent frostbite that can worsen the condition.
  • Soak a clean wash cloth in a bowl filled with warm water, wring out the excess and apply on the affected area for at least 8-10 minutes. Repeat the process after an hour break.
  • Take the prescribed oral antihistamine to relieve the itchiness and lessen the swelling.
  • If there is facial swelling, difficulty breathing, feeling confused, irregular and fast heartbeat, seek medical help immediately.
  • Turmeric powder has antiseptic properties. Mix turmeric powder with a few drops of cold water and fuller’s earth. Mix well until it becomes a paste and apply on the swollen part of the lip and let it stay on the area until it dries up. Rinse off using warm water. Perform this process at least 2 times every day.
  • Aloe vera gel has anti-inflammatory properties that lessen the burning sensation on the swollen lip. Extract juice or gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf and apply on the affected lip and massage the area gently. Repeat this process at least 2-3 times every day.
  • Take the prescribed over-the-counter pain and anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen to minimize the pain and inflammation.
  • Take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and mix with a few drops of water until it becomes a paste. Apply a thick coat of this paste on the affected lip. Leave on the area for at least 10 minutes and rinse off using cold water.
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