dry eye

How to treat dry eye

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Dry eye is also called dry eye syndrome which happens when the tears does not give proper lubrication for the eyes. Generally, this condition causes discomfort and several symptoms. The eyes need layers of tears to keep the area well lubricated and prevent dust and other irritants from entering the eyes. Furthermore, if the condition is left untreated, it increases the risk of developing infections and damage to the surface of the eyes.

Causes of dry eye

dry eye
Wash eyes frequently to lessen irritations, further damage and inflammation.
  • Aging
  • Excessive exposure to dry air or wind
  • Allergies
  • Dysfunctional tear glands
  • Previous surgery on the eye
  • Long-term using of contact lenses
  • Not blinking for a long time
  • Long hours of staring at the computer
  • Using medications such as decongestants, antihistamines, antidepressants and contraceptive pills
  • Vitamin A and D deficiency
  • Medical conditions such as arthritis, disorders of the immune system and allergies


  • At first, eye pain
  • Red eyes and irritations
  • Stinging and burning sensations in the eyes
  • Tearing of the eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Lastly, dry and sandy sensations in the eyes


  • Wash eyes frequently to lessen irritations, further damage and inflammation. Put baby shampoo on clean fingertips. Then gently massage the eyelids near the bottom of the eyelashes with closed eyes. Wash off the shampoo from the eyelids using lukewarm water. Repeat this process at least 2 times every day.
  • Apply warm compress on the affected eyes for proper flow of blood in the area, increase production of tears and lessen the irritation of the eyes. Soak a clean and lint-free cloth in hot water, wring out excess water and then place it over the closed eyelids for at least 10 minutes at a time.
  • Perform eye blinking exercise to increase flow of tears, moisten the eyes and spread the tears to all areas of the eyes and lessen the symptoms. Blinking exercise increases flow of blood and lessen the symptoms.
  • Install a humidifier especially during the winter season to add moisture in the air and for the eyes to prevent development of dry eyes.
  • Apply prescribed over-the-counter artificial tear to lessen the pain and the symptoms.
  • Prescribed oral or topical antibiotics to lessen the pain and the inflammation.


  • Increase fluid intake to keep the body well hydrated and prevents development of dry eye.
  • Take frequent breaks during use of computers, reading and watching television to restore lost moisture in the eyes.
  • Avoid direct blowing of air into the eyes such as car heaters, hair dryers and fans.





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