How to treat ischiogluteal bursitis

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Ischiogluteal bursitis is a condition that happens in the hip joint. In this condition, the affected bursa is found between the ischial tuberosity or part of the pelvic bone and the tendon of the hamstring muscle. Generally, the hamstring muscle is found at the bottom of the pelvic bone and is connected at the top end of the tibia or the lower leg bone.

Causes of ischiogluteal bursitis

Pain while flexing the knee against resistance.
  • Prolonged and repetitive activities that puts plenty of stress on the affected area.
  • Prolonged sitting on hard surfaces
  • Performing activities that requires repetitive kicking, jumping and running
  • Direct blow to the ischiogluteal bursa such as falling down on hard surface
  • Poor core stability
  • Stiffness of the joint of the hips
  • Inappropriate and excessive training
  • Neural tightness
  • Poor biomechanics such as excessive length of stride
  • Chronic gout and ischial pain
  • Inadequate rehabilitation from previous injury on the buttock
  • Inadequate warm up
  • Leg length discrepancy


  • Pain while stretching the hamstring
  • Tenderness and pain in the ischial tuberosity
  • Pain while flexing the knee against resistance
  • Pain becomes severe when sitting
  • Severe pain while walking, running, kicking, jumping, climbing stairs and sitting on hard surface
  • Pain while accelerating speed during running


  • Take plenty of rest especially the affected area during the first 72 hours after the symptoms of bursitis is appears.
  • Use a cane for a short period to lessen pressure placed on the affected area when moving around.
  • Apply ice pack on the affected area for at least 3-4 times every day for the next 24-48 hours to lessen the inflammation and the swelling. Avoid ice directly on the skin. Wrap the ice pack using a towel or a piece of cloth before placing to the area to prevent frostbite and worsen the condition.
  • Apply heat to the area in the form of hot packs. Heat increases flow of blood and oxygen tension. Wrap heat packs in a towel before placing for at least 30 minutes, 2 times every day to lessen the spasms and the stiffness of the affected area.
  • Gradually increase movement of the injured joint to prevent stiffness or become frozen. With the help of the physical therapist perform strengthening exercise to restore the normal range movement of the affected area. the therapeutic rehabilitation exercises includes stretching exercises for flexibility of a tight hamstring muscles and lessen the pressure placed on the bursa and strengthening exercises to restore muscle imbalances and lessen the symptoms.
  • Prescribed corticosteroid injection where it is injected into the bursa to lessen the pain and the inflammation. Corticosteroid is a hormonal substance that lessens the inflammation. This medication is mixed with a local anesthetic and works on the joint within five minutes.
  • In a glass filled with warm milk add 2 tablespoons of turmeric. Consume this mixture at least two times every day. Turmeric is rich with anti-inflammatory properties that lessen the pain.


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