thenar eminence pain

How to treat thenar eminence pain

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Thenar eminence pain is pain felt at the soft muscular round region at the bottom of the thumb. It is due to overusing the thumb and results to inflammation. It causes difficulties with movements such as handling of the latch, opening of drawers and opening of the door.

The thenar eminence is a group of 3 short muscles on the palm of the human hand at the bottom of the thumb. They form a fleshy mass on the lateral side of the palm used for the movements of the thumb. The skin on top of this area is stimulated when eliciting a palmomental reflex.


  • Tightness of the thenar eminence
  • Pain around the soft muscular round area at the bottom of the thumb
  • Development of nodule at the bottom of the thumb along the surface of the palm
  • The thumb becomes locked after flexing
  • Neurovascular compression

Causes of thenar eminence pain

thenar eminence pain
Pain around the soft muscular round area at the bottom of the thumb
  • Due to fine and repetitive kind of work which result to overusing of the thumb. It includes constant typing on mobile phone and computers and also work of a massage therapist.
  • Hammering and sewing
  • Hormonal changes in women especially postmenopausal
  • Vehicular accidents and falls
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition where there is pressure on the median nerve found in the wrist


  • Splint the thumb to prevent unnecessary movement, lessen the pain and for fast healing of the condition.
  • Take the prescribed anti-inflammatory medications to lessen the pain due to thenar eminence.
  • Prescribed steroid ejections to lessen the pain and the inflammation.
  • Apply cold compress on the affected area. place a few ice cubes in a plastic bag and then place to the affected thumb for at least 10 minutes several times every day to lessen the pain and the inflammation.
  • Massage the affected area with the help of the massage therapist to relax and lessen the tightness of the muscles.
  • Gently stretched and loosen the affected thumb to prevent making the area stiff and worsen the condition.


  • Avoid activities that need repetitive use of the thumb.
  • Regular breaks to allow the muscles of the thumb relax and perform gentle stretches for the hand to avoid stiffness of the muscles.


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