How to treat wrist tendonitis

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Wrist tendinitis or tenosynovitis causes irritation and inflammation of the tendons found around the wrist joint. There are plenty of tendons surrounding the joint and tendonitis usually affects one or several of these tendons.

Symptoms of wrist tendonitis

  • Wrist pain
  • Warmth and redness of the tendons
  • Grinding sensation or crepitus when moving the tendons


Take plenty of rest especially the affected wrist.
  • Take plenty of rest especially the affected wrist. Avoid performing activities such as housework, typing, gardening or using hand tools to prevent stressing the wrist and making the condition worse.
  • Wear a brace for the wrist to prevent unnecessary movements for fast healing of the condition. Use ergonomic support such as keyboards, mouse pads and tools that enable the wrist to rest. Make sure it fits the size and body type. Adjust the chair, keyboard and desktop to lessen the stress placed on the joints and the tendons.
  • Apply an ice pack on the affected area for at least 15-20 minutes throughout the day to lessen the swelling and pain by numbing the area. It also increases the flow of blood in the area. Avoid applying the ice directly on the skin to prevent frostbite and makes the condition worse. Wrap ice with a towel before applying to the area.
  • Elevate the wrist above the level of the heart to minimize the inflammation.
  • Seek the help of the physical therapist for some rehabilitation exercises for flexibility of the joint and making the muscle strong.
  • Take the prescribed anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen to lessen the pain, inflammation and swelling of the soft tissues. Another way is applying an anti-inflammatory pain cream or gel on the affected area to lessen the pain and inflammation.

If wrist tendonitis does not respond to rest and basic home treatment, seek medical help immediately.


  • Adjust the way in lifting or gripping an object to prevent flare-ups of wrist tendonitis.
  • Change the position of the hands when performing activities to avoid placing pressure on a single tendon.
  • Wear a splint when performing activities to prevent irritation on the tendons such as a brace or a simple support wrap to lessen the symptoms.
  • Perform gentle stretching and apply heat before an activity for proper conditioning of the tendon and apply an ice pack to prevent inflammation of the area.
  • Avoid bending the wrist up and down when working with a computer keyboard or mouse and also while driving.
  • Take frequent breaks or alternate household tasks and activities to lessen the chances of excessively moving the wrist in one direction.
  • Avoid performing activities that requires long periods of reaching overhead such as painting a ceiling and if there is a need to perform this work, take frequent breaks.
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