Nasal polyps

Mouth ulcers

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Mouth ulcers are considered common and irritating for most individuals. These are characterized as open sores with whitish appearance with a reddened inflamed border that causes pain. Take note that mouth ulcers usually develop on the inside of the lips, cheeks, on the floor of the mouth and under the tongue.

The ulcers can be caused by foods, constipation, hormonal changes, excess acidity, hereditary factors, accidentally biting the cheek, stress and deficiency in Vitamin B complex, vitamin C, iron and other nutrients.

A mouth ulcer is not a dangerous condition and heals within 7- 10 days. As for herpetiform ulcers, they take a longer time to heal. Major ulcers are deeper and 10 mm in diameter in size. In addition, herpetiform ulcers form in clusters of a large number of small ulcers.


Mouth ulcers
Mouth ulcers can be caused by stress or injury to the tissue.
  • Mouth ulcers can be caused by stress or injury to the tissue.
  • Some foods such as citrus or acidic fruits and vegetables which include oranges, lemons, apples, tomatoes, strawberries and figs can make the mouth ulcers worse.
  • A sharp surface of the tooth or dental appliance such as braces or ill-fitting dentures.
  • Underlying conditions such as nutritional deficiency, impaired immune system, celiac disease, gastrointestinal tract disease and Crohn’s disease.
  • Medications such as painkillers, beta-blockers and medications for chest pain can cause side effects which include mouth ulcers.


  • Fever
  • A painful sore on the tongue or inside the mouth, soft palate, back area of the roof of the mouth and inside the cheek
  • Physical sluggishness
  • Sores that develops in the mouth that are round, white or gray in color with a red border
  • Swelling lymph nodes


  • Apply an ice pack on the affected area to numb the pain caused by the mouth ulcers. Apply a cold compress immediately as soon as the symptoms are experienced which includes tingling and burning sensation before the development of the shallow ulcerations.
  • Avoid eating spicy or acidic foods. Use a soft toothbrush when brushing the teeth.
  • Apply aloe vera gel or juice on the affected area to lessen the discomfort and promote fast healing of the condition. Aloe vera functions as a natural antiseptic along with antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties.
  • Coconut milk helps in relieving the pain caused by the mouth ulcers. Mix a few drops of honey to a tablespoon of coconut milk. Use this mixture to massage the affected area at least 3-4 times every day. Use coconut milk in rinsing the mouth. Coconut oil can also be used in massaging the affected area.
  • Sea salt and hydrogen peroxide have anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and antiseptic ingredients that help with mouth ulcers or canker sores. In a glass filled with warm water, add 2 teaspoons each of sea salt and 3% hydrogen peroxide and then mix well. Use this solution in rinsing the mouth at least 1-2 times every day. Just remember to avoid swallowing the solution.
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