Muscle knots in the back

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Muscle knots felt at the back can be painful, especially when they are big and do not heal. Some knots causes discomfort, difficulty in sleeping, work and movement. Muscle knots are also called muscle spasms or trigger points which are an abnormal area in the muscle and causes pain.

Painful knots in the back can make daily activities difficult, and these develop when a specific part of a muscle becomes tight and can be caused by bad posture, improper mechanics of the body, muscle injuries and stress.

Treatment and home remedies of muscle knots in the back

Muscle knots in the back
Painful knots in the back can make daily activities difficult, and these develop when a specific part of a muscle becomes tight and can be caused by bad posture, improper mechanics of the body, muscle injuries and stress.
  • Provide the individual with anti-inflammatory medications in order to minimize the inflammation.
  • Apply alternately heat and cold compress. Heat helps in relaxing the muscles and ice makes the muscles tight. This therapy helps make the muscle return to its original structure and functioning.
  • Apply cold compress to the affected muscle at the back for 15 to 20 minutes at 3-5 times every day for the first two to three days after the injury. A frozen bag of peas or other vegetables can also be used.
  • Make a cold compress by pouring 3 cups of water and mix it with 1 cup rubbing alcohol and freeze it overnight. This cold compress helps reduce flow of blood flow in the area and minimize inflammation and pain.
  • After 2-3 days, you can apply a warm compress over the affected area for 15-20 minutes. This helps minimize muscles knots in the back, increases flow of blood and relaxes the muscles.
  • Drink plenty of water in order to flush out toxins that accumulate and affect the functioning of the muscles.
  • Increase the intake of foods rich in potassium such as apricots, bananas, plums, and apples. These can help in preventing constant muscle cramps and fights off fatigue in the muscles.
  • Regular massage helps in reducing muscle knots, spasm and tension areas. Use of clove oil, nutmeg oil or lavender oil to help reduce the pain and strain as well as preventing cramping and improves flexibility.
  • Massage is helpful in minimizing muscle knots in the back. Applying manual pressure to the affected area helps in increasing the flow of blood and eliminates toxins from the muscles. In addition, it can relax the muscle and minimize the knots.
  • Perform gentle stretching in order to minimize knots in the back muscles. You can stretch the lower back by lying on the floor and then bend one knee until it reaches the chest. Pull the knee close to the chest using the hands until the person feels the tight muscles stretch. Remember to avoid stretching it up to a point where pain can be felt since it can cause damage to the muscle. Remain in this position for 20-30 seconds and repeat the procedure with the other leg. Perform this exercise 3-5 times every day.
  • Stretch the upper back by interlocking both hands in front of the body. Make the elbow straight and arch the back until a stretch can be felt around the shoulder. Remain in this position for 20-30 seconds. Perform this exercise 3-5 times every day.
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