Rashes from insect bites

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Skin rashes caused by an insect bite is an allergic reaction affecting the skin. The severity of the rash varies from person to person. An insect bite allergy happens to an individual with hypersensitivity to the venom of a particular insect such as wasps or fire ants. Rashes are allergic reaction that develops on the surface of the skin with itchiness, inflammation and redness.

Itching and swelling of the skin are common symptoms of skin rashes caused by an insect bite. The skin reacts by developing welts that spread and get bigger and connects together in seconds or minutes. The rashes changes shape, appears or disappears in a short time. The rashes spread with constant scratching.

Some common rashes caused by other insect bites

  • Bed bug bite rash begins with itchiness after being bitten. In some individuals, the symptoms appear for days or weeks depending on the reaction of the body to the saliva of the bed bug. Rashes of bed bug are single, small-sized, inflamed, red and rounded bumps.
  • Mosquito bite rash looks similar to blisters or bruises with a large area of swelling.
  • Chigger bite rashes can be found around the waist, ankles or in the folds of the skin that are exposed to the sun.
    Rashes by insect bites
    Itching and swelling of the skin are common symptoms of skin rashes caused by an insect bite.
  • Flea bite rash is caused by a reaction to the saliva of the flea. The rash looks inflamed with clusters of bites that are itchy.
  • Tick bite rash is a flat, round patch and increases in size in a few days and it looks like a bull’s eye.

If the rashes affect the throat or ears, there is swelling, difficulty breathing, swollen lips or throat, dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting and confusion, it is vital to seek medical help immediately.


  • Avoid a direct contact with these insects.
  • Immediately removed the stinger after being bitten.
  • Apply cold pack or ice pack on the affected area
  • Apply the prescribed anti-itch ointment such as hydrocortisone cream to relieve the itchiness.
  • Rub an ice pack on the bite or sting site for at least 15-20 minutes to lessen the inflammation and swelling that results to itchiness.
  • Avoid scratching the rashes to prevent irritation, severe itchiness and pain.
  • Mix meat tenderizer and a few drops of water well to become a paste and apply it on the affected area to relieve the itchiness and pain.
  • Mix a teaspoon baking soda with a few drops of water well until it becomes a paste. Apply this paste on the rashes and leave in place for at least a few minutes and rinse off using warm water.
  • Slice a raw papaya and apply it on the rashes to reduce the swelling of the area.
  • Toothpaste has anti-inflammatory properties such as baking soda and menthol. Once applied on the affected area, it can lessen pain.
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