bug inside the ear

Remedies for bug inside the ear

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A bug inside the ear is very scary. Bugs such as cockroaches,  ladybugs, moths and beetles can get inside the ear while sleeping or during outdoor activities. They crawl inside the ear for warmth and make them safe.

Bugs inside the ear can cause hearing loss, infections and damage to the ear. Bugs inside the ear result to a ruptured eardrum. If the bug is not removed completely there is a high risk of developing an infection.

Symptoms of a bug inside the ear

  • Inflammation, pain and irritation
  • Swelling
  • Redness of the area
  • Drainage from the ear such as pus or blood when the ear has injury
  • Biting or stinging sensations
  • Loss of hearing or dizziness


bug inside ear
Drainage from the ear such as pus or blood when the ear has injury.
  • Stay calm, avoid movements to prevent lodging of the bug further inside the ear or cause it to crawl further back and cause injuries to the sensitive inner ear or the eardrum.
  • Avoid using tools such as tweezers or cotton swabs to prevent pushing further the bug inside the ear or accidentally injuring the nerves and worsen the condition.
  • Remove the bug by wiggling the ear. Tilt the affected ear toward the ground and grasp the pinna , located outside of the ear and wiggle the ear. If the bug is not too deep inside the ear, it will just fall out on its own.
  • Flush the ear using warm water with a dropper.
  • Another alternative is killing the bug using mineral oil. Use 1-2 drops of mineral oil or olive oil inside the ear canal to eliminate the bug. After the bugs has come out of the ear, clean the ear canal using warm water. If there are infections such as bleeding or blood while cleaning the area, apply the prescribed over-the-counter antiseptic ointment to lessen the risk of infection and worsen the condition.
  • Take the prescribed over-the-counter medications such as steroid otic suspension or cortisporin to lessen the infections or abrasion inside the ear.
  • Soak cotton ball in alcohol and use it to get the bug or whatever insect is inside the ear. Be careful this procedure causes pain. The smell of alcohol forces the bug to come out of the ear.


  • Keep bedroom and other sleeping areas clean to prevent attacks of insects.
  • When camping outdoors, wear repellent for bugs and completely sealing the tent to prevent bugs and other insects from entering the ears.





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