Remedies for keloid scars

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Keloid scars are hard, fibrous tissue that develops on the skin. When the top layer of the skin is damaged or has tears, collagen will form at the area while it is healing. Keloid scars usually develop when there is a trauma or damage such as chicken pox, acne, minor burns, ear piercings, insect bites, cuts and vaccinations. A keloid scar will develop when there is excessive growth of collagen at the affected area usually growing slowly for years.

Symptoms of keloids

  • Firm, raised and hardened scars
  • Grows over time and the color changes from slightly pink to very dark
  • Keloids become irritated, painful and itchy if rubbed against clothing
  • Becomes dark when exposed to the sun


Keloid scars
Keloid scars usually develop when there is a trauma or damage such as chicken pox, acne, minor burns, ear piercings, insect bites, cuts and vaccinations.
  • Mix a teaspoon of baking soda and 3 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide thoroughly. Using a cotton ball, apply the mixture on the scar and leave it on for at least 15 minutes and rinse off using lukewarm water. Repeat this process for 3-4 times every day for one month to shrink the keloid scars. Baking soda lessens the appearance of the keloid scars and makes the layers of skin healthy. It functions as an abrasive agent, exfoliates the skin and keep the skin free from debris, dirt and dead cells.
  • Use aloe vera to keep the skin moisturized, promote the regeneration of the damage surface of the skin and has a cooling effect that lessens the itchiness. Extract gel from a fresh aloe vera leaf and apply on the affected area. Let it dry on its own so that it is fully absorbed by the skin. Apply 5-6 times every day for several days.
  • Massage the area where the scar is forming. Sometimes, scars form due to insufficient circulation of blood in the area. Massage the affected area to get rid of the dead cells and prevent the formation of keloids in some areas of the skin. Use coconut oil in massaging the area regularly to relax the affected area and prevent the formation of keloids.
  • Use lemon juice in treating keloid scars since it is rich in Vitamin C which is a strong antioxidant that eliminates all types of scars. It also regenerates and repair damaged skin. Extract the juice from one fresh lemon and apply on the scar. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes and rinse it off using lukewarm water. Perform this process 2 times every day for a month to achieve the best results.
  • Take over-the counter scar removal medications such as creams, ointments and gels to lessen the appearance of the scars over time.
  • In a cup filled with 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, mix a teaspoon of water. Dip a cotton ball in the solution and apply on the area and leave it on for at least 30 minutes and rinse off with water. Repeat this process for 3-4 times every day for several weeks. Apple cider vinegar eliminates fatty deposits under the skin, exfoliates and softens the skin and eventually minimizes the appearance of the scars.
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