Spider veins

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Spider veins are also known as telangiectasias or angioectasias which are similar to varicose veins but they are smaller. The small veins are near the surface of the skin which has an appearance of spider webs or branches of a tree that are usually purple, red and blue in color.

Spider veins are usually found in the legs, at the back of the calves, thighs, insides of the legs and ankles. Sometimes, the spider veins can develop in other parts of the body such as the face.


  • Standing for long periods of time needed in certain professions
  • Obesity
  • Use of contraceptive pills
    Spider veins
    Standing for long periods of time needed in certain professions
  • History of circulation problems and blood clots
  • Hormonal influences which are common during puberty, pregnancy and menopausal period


  • Swelling of the affected area
  • Uncontrollable feelings in the legs
  • Rash
  • Itching around the veins
  • Restless legs
  • Throbbing, cramping or aching
  • Development of skin ulcers


  • Use apple cider vinegar to lessen the symptoms by boosting the circulation of blood in the affected area. Soak a piece of cloth in raw unprocessed apple cider vinegar and apply as a compress on the affected area with spider webs. Leave it in place for at least 15-20 minutes and then remove. This procedure should be repeated at least 2 times every day for up to 30 days.
  • Perform exercises regularly such as walking, swimming, cycling or running to help in toning and strengthening the muscles and for proper circulation of blood in the area. Avoid standing or sitting for more than 30 minutes in order to prevent pooling of blood in the affected area of the legs and also crossing of the legs should be avoided in order to avoid damaging the veins. If there is a need to stand, transfer the weight from one leg to another every few minutes.
  • Elevate the legs above the level of the heart at least 3-4 times every day for 15 minutes at a time in order to help lessen the pressure placed on the legs.
  • Avoid wearing high heels especially heels that are higher than 3 centimeters.
  • Wear compression stockings such as high pressure socks for the best therapeutic effects.
  • Consume spicy foods since these helps in improving the circulation of blood such as ginger, cayenne pepper, turmeric, garlic and onions. Mix them with the juices and daily meals.

Seek medical help immediately if the symptoms still persists, the spider veins are bleeding, development of sores, rashes or ulcers on the skin and skin found in the ankle or calf changes in color and become thickened.


  • Increase the intake of vitamin C rich foods. Vitamin C improves the production of proteins called collagen and elastin which are the building blocks of the skin and blood vessels and helps keep walls of the veins strong and flexible.
  • Other vitamins that help with the condition include Vitamins B and E and also include fibers in the diet such as flaxseed, beans, berries, carrots and oats.



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