Treating minor wounds with eggs

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Eggs are nutritious food, but they have healing elements in treating fevers, minor wounds, and bruising, reducing scars and can soothe sunburn and stops bleeding. As part of first aid training, you will learn how to use eggs on wounds and health conditions.

Bruises – place a hardboiled egg in cheesecloth. Gather all the edges of the cheesecloth and tie a knot or secure it with a rubber band. Break the egg, together with shell, into small pieces and put the cheesecloth bag to the bruise. It will reduce the pain and swelling.

Scarring – break an egg, and place all the liquid contents of the egg in a bowl. Peel the inner skin of the egg away from the shell and place it over the wound. It will just stick to the skin even when it is dry. This procedure will prevent appearance of a scar. Replace the egg skin at least two times a day until the wound is completely healed.

Sunburn – treat a sunburn or minor burn with egg whites. Separate egg white from the egg yolk, then whip the egg white into a frothy cream, then add 2 tsp. castor oil and 2 tsp. of vinegar and stir well. Once applied to a burn, you can feel a soothing relief.

Egg whites can be made into a natural clear bandage to aid in the healing of cuts, stop bleeding and reducing scabs. Separate the egg white from the egg yolk, and peel the thin egg skin from the shell, and placing it over the cut and cover it with a thin layer of egg white. If the egg skin becomes dry, peel it off and reapply again the egg white.

Other uses of eggs

Egg whites can be made into a natural clear bandage to aid in the healing of cuts, stop bleeding and reducing scabs.
  • Making hair shiny – you have to break three eggs in a bowl and mix them thoroughly with a whisk. Then apply it to your hair by using your hand, make sure the hair is coated evenly. Let it dry on your hair. Then wash your hair with warm to cool water and shampoo. The result is a shiny and soft to touch hair.
  • Egg yolk facial mask – separate egg white from the yolk, then beat the egg yolk in a bowl until it is frothy. Using a cotton pad, apply it to your face, by covering all the skin surfaces, and let it dry completely. Then wash it off using soap and a warm to cool water. Your skin will be tighter and softer.
  • Scalp cleanser – using three eggs, separate egg whites from the yolk, and whip them properly. With your hands, remove the egg yolks and place them on your scalp and carefully massage it. Let the egg yolks dry completely, and wash it out with a shampoo and warm to cool water. The egg yolk will give nourishment to the scalp and moisturizes any scalp dryness and dandruff.
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