Using vinegar for first aid

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Vinegar is very useful in many first aid situations. If you will sign up for first aid training, you will learn the usefulness of vinegar. It is the first antibiotic treatment for humans.

  1. Treating abrasions – vinegar is a natural antiseptic that can be used to treat abrasion by mixing ½ cup of vinegar and ½ cup of water. It is used to clean minor cuts and abrasions. It can also be used in reducing the itchiness caused by poison ivy or other insects.
  2. Sunburn – in treating sunburns using vinegar, first thing you do is cover the sunburns with a towel soaked in the mixture of water and vinegar. Another way is putting vinegar and water mixture in a spray bottle and apply it directly on the burned area of the body. To reduce swelling and fluid caused by the sun, you can mix baking soda and apple cider vinegar and apply to affected area.
    It is used to clean minor cuts and abrasions. It can also be used in reducing the itchiness caused by poison ivy or other insects.
  3. Stiff muscles – in reducing the stress of over-worked muscles, you have to mix ½ cup vinegar and ½ cup warm water. Then soak a towel, wring out the towel and use it to cover the sore muscles, then cover it with a plastic wrap and leave it overnight. When reducing bruising, mix ½ cup vinegar and ½ cup cold water, use it as cold compress and secure in place with a tape or sports wrap.
  4. Treating diarrhea – cider vinegar is good with digestion and an antiseptic on the intestines and the digestive tract. Mix 1 tsp. of cider vinegar to one glass of water, drink it before meals. This will lessen the intensity of diarrhea.
  5. Hay fever – the symptoms of hay fever are watery eyes, sneezing and runny nose. You can treat hay fever using honey and vinegar. Take 1 tbsp. of honey and a dose of cider vinegar 3 times a day during seasons of hay fever. If you want some extra relief, use local honey and begin the treatment.
  6. A scratchy throat – to relieve sore throat, you have to gargle with apple cider vinegar and water mixture. Mix ½ cup apple cider vinegar and ½ cup water. Repeat this treatment every hour. Rinse your mouth properly to minimize the effect of acidity on your teeth.

Apple cider vinegar can be made into apple cider vinegar bath. It helps heal the skin and restoring the natural balance. Apple cider vinegar can also be a disinfectant in homes, improve your health and can be used for home beautifications. It can also remove stains and buildup of hard water.

Other uses of vinegar

All-purpose cleaner – mixing 2 parts water and 1 part vinegar and place in a bottle spray and add a few drops of liquid dish detergent, then shake it. It can be used for cleaning stainless steel, counter tops, windows, and sinks.

Stinky or slow drainage – pour ¼ cup of baking soda in the drain and then add ½ to 1 cup of vinegar. After a while flush it with hot water.

Fruits fly at home – using a small jar or canning jar, poke holes in the lid. Fill it with ¼ cup vinegar and place it on top of the counter. It will trap the fruit flies.

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