Digestive Problems: Understanding Chron’s Disease

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Stomach pain can be a symptom for various gastrointestinal illnesses, one of which is Chron’s Disease. This is a long-term chronic condition that mostly affects the gastrointestinal tract, but can also infect any part of the mouth up until the anus.

Stomach Pain
Stomach cramps and pain associated with diarrhea or constipation is a warning sign of Chron’s Disease.

Chron’s Disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease commonly caused by different types of environmental, bacterial and immune factors. So far, the exact cause of Chron’s disease is not yet known, but because its symptoms usually involve gastrointestinal pain, cramps, weight loss and diarrhea, it is usually considered as an emergency condition, if left untreated and not given proper medical management.

The material posted on this page on understanding Chron’s disease is for learning purposes only. To learn to identify and manage serious medical emergencies enrol in a first aid class with a provider near you.

What Are The Different Signs and Symptoms of Chron’s Disease?

The signs and symptoms of Chron’s Disease can be divided into three categories – gastrointestinal, systemic and extraintestinal. Gastrointestinal symptoms are the common symptoms felt by a patient with Chron’s Disease including pain in the abdominal region, episodes of diarrhea (watery during the early stages of the disease and bloody during the late stages), and abdominal discomfort resulting from bloated stomach or flatulence. Late stages Chron’s Disease involve itching in the mouth and anus, bowel obstruction, nausea and vomiting, and ulcerations in the intestines. Systemic symptoms involve abnormal weight loss in adults, fever during episodes of the disease and inadequate absorption of nutrients in the body. Extraintestinal symptoms usually develop at a later stage of the disease, in which the immune system can be affected as well; these include gangrenous ulcers in the mouth and anus, skin and eye infections and anemia.

Is There A Way For The Disease to Be Prevented?

Unfortunately, Chron’s Disease could not be prevented, because the exact cause is unidentifiable. It is also difficult to diagnose, because its symptoms usually mimic the symptoms of other gastrointestinal disorders.  The only way for Chron’s Disease to be detected is through a series of laboratory and blood tests; this way, management of the disease and prescription of medicines could be effectively administered.

What Are The Ways To Identify Chron’s Disease At Home?

Now that we have a good understanding about the symptoms of Chron’s Disease, we can watch out for it before it gets worse. Essentially, it is important to seek medical assistance if there is a presence of blood in your stool, abdominal discomfort that occurs during diarrhea, a fever associated with abdominal pain, and other skin, eye, mouth or anal irritations.

Remember that these symptoms usually attack during heavy exercise or a period of strenuous activity, so if you experience any of these, it is best to rest for a while.


“Treating and Living With Chron’s Disease.” WebMD. Retrieved online on June 18, 2014 from http://www.webmd.com/ibd-crohns-disease/chrons-biologics-14/cd-diagnosis-tips

“Chron’s Disease Health Center.” WebMD. Retrieved online on June 18, 2014 from http://www.webmd.com/ibd-crohns-disease/crohns-disease/tc/crohns-disease-treatment-overview

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