Diaper rash

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Diaper rash is a form of inflammation of the skin or dermatitis of buttocks or thighs. It can also develop between the folds or surfaces of the skin and usually affects babies and toddlers that have not yet come out of the diaper phase in their growth cycle.

Symptoms of diaper rash

  • Diaper rash typically occurs in warm and moist places such as the skin covered by the diaper.
  • Reddened splotches on the bottom of the baby
  • Red scales can develop in the genital area


  • Diaper rash can be caused by exposure to urine and feces in the diaper of the baby.
  • Formation of ammonia moisture, alkalinity and bacterial growth on the skin of the baby.
  • Prolonged and increased exposure of skin to wetness and moisture which become more susceptible to irritation and swelling.
  • Chafing caused by friction or rubbing between the diaper and the skin, skin creases and folds and constant wiping and cleaning of the diaper area can cause irritation on the skin.


  • Stale urine is alkaline in nature and can burn the soft skin of the baby like an acid. If using reusable diapers or cloth diapers, rinse them using a vinegar solution. In ½ bucket of water, add ½ cup vinegar and use this solution in rinsing the diaper of the baby. The solution eliminates the accumulation of soap and the smell of urine in the diapers. Another way is wiping the bottom of the baby using a mixture of vinegar and water, by mixing 1 teaspoon of white vinegar to 1 cup water. This makes the bottom of the baby resistant to growth of yeast.
  • Baking soda has healing properties that can treat diaper rash. In 4 cups of water, mix in 2 tablespoons of baking soda well until completely dissolved. Before putting a clean diaper, first clean the bottom of the baby using this solution then pat dry the area and put on the diaper. Another way is giving a bath using baking soda. In a tub filled with warm water, add 2 tablespoon baking soda. Bathe the baby in the mixture for at least 10 minutes at least 3 times every day. Make sure the skin of the baby is totally dry after the bath.
  • After removing the soiled diaper, clean the bottom of the baby using warm water. Dry the area well using a cotton towel and then apply petroleum jelly. Perform this procedure every time when changing diapers for fast healing of the affected area.
  • Cornstarch absorbs moisture, makes the skin of the baby dry and lessens friction and prevents diaper rash. Wash the bottom of the baby using lukewarm water, and then pat it dry with a cotton cloth. Sprinkle cornstarch directly on the affected skin before putting a fresh diaper. Perform this procedure until the area is totally healed.
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