Why should people start riding a bike?

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Engaging in physical activities is one way to become healthy and fit. There are several ways to do this like participating in sports or conducting exercise regularly. But if you are the type of person who wants to become physically active while still maintaining your recreational life, you can simply try out cycling. Riding a bike is also a good way to become healthy and decrease your risk of developing diseases in the future.

What is cycling?

Cycling is a low-impact type of exercise that can be enjoyed by people regardless of their age and gender. The main benefit of cycling is that it gives our blood vessels, heart and lungs a good kind of cardiopulmonary workout. Apart from this, it is also cheap, economical and environment-friendly.

What are the advantages of cycling?

Even with three to four hours of cycling for a week could generally improve our health. Some of the advantages of cycling include the following:

  • It is low impact unlike other types of exercise, which means that it causes less injuries and strains over time.
  • It provides substantial muscle workout – from the muscles of the lower extremities to the muscles of the upper body, almost all major muscle groups in the body is working just by riding and controlling a bike.
  • Easy to master – unlike any other type of exercise or sports, cycling is a relatively easy activity to do. It does not require high level of skills, because you learn how to ride a bike, you can do it for the rest of your life.
  • Cycling also provides good stamina, strength and endurance, which means that it is an aerobic type of exercise for the heart and lungs.
  • Cycling generally helps people living a sedentary working lifestyle, especially if they will use it as a mode of transport to and from the office.
  • Cycling can help cut down calories and cholesterol levels in the body. Cycling can burn a lot of calorie in the body, which means that it can boost metabolism and prevent unnecessary weight gains.

Some tips before you start riding a bike

  • Consult your doctor first if you want to incorporate cycling into your regular fitness program.
  • Start from low-intensity cycling then gradually increase your rate and the number of hours that you ride.
  • Always practice safety when cycling. Prepare all the necessary cycling gear to avoid injury and other untoward accidents.

Related Video on Cycling:


“Health Benefits of Cycling.” AdultBicycling.com. Retrieved online on July 23, 2014 from http://www.adultbicycling.com/component/content/article/9-bicycling-basics/37-health-benefits-of-cycling-ii.html

“Cycling Health Benefits.” Better Health Channel. Retrieved online on July 23, 2014 from http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Cycling_health_benefits

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