
Dyshidrotic eczema

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Dyshidrotic eczema or pompholix is a skin disorder that involves the development of small-sized blisters on the palms, fingers as well as the soles of the feet. This condition is caused by exposure to cobalt or nickel, fungal infection, excessive stress and allergies. The skin with blisters becomes thick and scaly and results to itchiness, inflammation and redness.


  • Use a moist cold compress to help relieve the irritation. This helps lessen the itchiness and burning sensation caused by the eczema. It also minimizes the inflammation of the blisters and numbs the nerve endings that generate pain. Wrap the inflamed skin using the cold compress for at least 15 minutes up to 2-3 times every day. You can also wrap ice cubes in a small plastic bag and secure it with a towel before applying on the affected area. Avoid soaking the affected hands or feet in ice to prevent frostbite as well as aggravating the condition.
    Dyshidrotic eczema
    Use a moist cold compress to help relieve the irritation.
  • Aloe vera gel helps in soothing the irritated skin and lessens the tenderness due to dyshidrotic eczema. It also promotes fast healing of the condition. Aloe vera has antimicrobial properties that can help with eczema that is caused by fungal or bacterial infections. Apply the aloe vera gel on the affected area several times every day to lessen the inflammation and redness of the area as well as helps hydrate the skin.
  • Oatmeal helps soothe the irritation, lessen the inflammation and itchiness of the skin. Oat has anti-inflammatory ingredients which help soothe skin caused by the eczema. Apply oatmeal on the affected skin and let it dry. Rinse it off gently under running water. Another alternative is to use colloidal oatmeal that is mixed in a basin filled with water or a foot bath and then soak the affected hands and feet for at least 15-20 minutes every day.
  • Maintain moisture on the skin by applying ointments or creams such as petroleum jelly, vegetable shortening and mineral oil to help with the condition. After taking a bath apply, creams every day to help moisturize the skin and prevent dryness. If eczema causes itchiness and irritation, apply an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream 1% helps to lessen the pain and swelling.
  • Take the prescribed over-the-counter antihistamine such as diphenhydramine to help minimize the itchiness and inflammation.
  • Avoid taking hot shower baths to help prevent drying of the skin. It is recommended to take cool or lukewarm baths at least 15 minutes regularly to help in hydrating the skin.
  • When taking a bath, use gentle soaps with natural ingredients, fragrance-free and contains natural moisturizers such as Vitamin E, olive oil and aloe vera. Avoid scrubbing the skin forcefully with a washcloth.
  • Wear protective gloves when using household cleansers to help avoid exposure of the skin to the chemicals.
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